Toronto Building Cleaning Services L.L.C
Toronto Building Cleaning Services UK LTD
Our company is based in the UAE. We have a branch office in the UK. We are constantly striving to meet the needs of our customers. General maintenance, sanitary cleaning, comfort environment air conditioning, electrical, plumbing services contract, interior facilities work, and provision of specialised qualified manpower are some of the company’s core sectors. The organization’s key principles are customer satisfaction, integrity, and commitment in all aspects of business.
About us
- Our talented team key personnel enjoy a wealth of experience, providing in depth understanding of your particular needs and requirements, which are unique to every building. Toronto facilities services, founded in 2008, provides independent personal services in an industry where knowledge, ethics, and experience count.
- From small local businesses to corporate headquarters and high-rise buildings, Toronto offers a variety of services such as cleaning, building comfort (AC), plumbing, electrical, and all interior civil works. Our daily routine systems are individually designed and tailored to meet the needs of all building types and customer demand.
- To provide regular maintenance and servicing, Toronto forms its own staff for each contract. As a result, we've been able to maintain consistent growth.
- All of the company's directors, stockholders, and employees are dedicated to its success. Toronto is known for its professionalism in their area, personal services, and dedication to deliver good value for money.
Sister CoNCERN
Toronto Star
Innovation Quality
Toronto Line
Team of our Proficient workers
All divisions are overseen by professionals who are dedicated, qualified, and experienced. Our team is well-trained, well-organized, competent, qualified, committed, responsible, and ready to perform the tasks; they are one of our company’s pillars and assets.